Predavanja v sklopu UEMS-CAP sestanka v Sloveniji

UEMS- CAP (Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes – Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Section) sestanek bo potekal prvič v Sloveniji. Člani izvršnega odbora te organizacije so izrazili željo in pripravljenost, da ob tej priliki podajo svoje bogato znanje. Predavanja so namenjena specializantom otroške in mladostniške psihiatrije, psihiatrije, psihologije in drugi zainteresirani strokovni javnosti.

Predavanja bodo potekala v četrtek 19. Septembra 2019 v Hotelu M (Derčeva ul. 4), Ljubljana s pričetkom ob 12.00. Kotizacije ni. Prijave na do zasedbe mest.


–        12.00 – 13.45: Sue Baily, UK: Forensic Psychiatry

–        14.00 – 14.45: Peter Descamps, Netherlands: Social information processing and empathy in children with developmental disorders.

–        14.45 -14.55 Brian Jacobs, UK : talk with trainees on UEMS- CAP

–        15.15 – 16.45 Martina Tomori, Slovenia: Pedopsihiatrično sodno izvedeništvo v Sloveniji


Vljudno vabljeni!


Dame Susan Mary Bailey, DBE, FRCPsych is a British psychiatrist and academic who specialises in children’s mental health. Since 2004, she has been Professor of Child Mental Health at the University of Central Lancashire. From 2011 to 2014, she was President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Since January 2015, she has been Chair of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges.

Bailey became a Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych) in 1976 and was elected a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (FRCPsych) in 1996. Since 1983, she has been a consultant child and adolescent forensic psychiatrist at the Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. In 1993, she appeared as an expert witness in the James Bulger murder trial. She concluded that one of Bulger’s killers, Jon Venables, knew the difference between right and wrong: information that led to them being convicted of murder.

Between 2001 and 2014, Bailey held a number of senior positions in the Royal College of Psychiatrists. She was Chair of the Child and Adolescent Faculty from 2001 to 2005, and was registrar from 2005 to 2010.[2] From 30 June 2011 to 2014, she was President of the College. Since 1 January 2015, she has been Chair of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges.

In 2002, Bailey was an Honorary Fellow at the University of Surrey.[8] Since 2004, she has been Professor of Child Mental Health at the University of Central Lancashire and a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Manchester.

In the 2002 Queen’s Birthday Honours, Bailey was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) “for services to Youth Justice”. In the 2014 New Year Honours, she was promoted to Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) “for services to Psychiatry and for voluntary service to People with Mental Health Conditions”.

  • Bailey, Susan (1996). “Psychiatric assessment of the violent children and adolescent towards understanding and safe intervention”. In Varma, Ved (ed.). Violence in children and adolescents. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. ISBN978-1853023446.
  • Bailey, Susan; Dolan, Mairead, eds. (2004). Adolescent forensic psychiatry. London: Arnold. ISBN 978-0340763896.


Peter Deschamps, PhD is a child and adolescent psychiatrist working at UMC Utrecht, Netherlands.  He has been a medical director of Department of Developmental Disorders since 2012. His aim is to combine innovation in clinical care and research to provide a better understanding of, and care for children with developmental disorders and their families. He contributes to the training of students in the field of general medicine, psychology and psychiatry. His research interests are emotion processing and behavioral control in children with developmental disorders.


Brian Jacobs, MD is a Fellow of the British Psycho-Analytical Society and a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at the South London & Maudslet NHS Foundation Trust. He has worked for many years running the children’s inpatient psychiatric unit at the Bethlem Royal Hospital and as a paediatric neuropsychiatrist at the Maudsley Hospital. He has chaired the UK Committee responsible for higher child psychiatric training from 2007-2014.

In addition to running various national workshops on aspects of training, Jacobs has run workshops about training in Helsinki (2008), Budapest (2009), Amsterdam (2012), Paris (2013), Zurich (2013), Berlin (2014), London (2014) and Sofia (2014).

As the UK representative for UEMS (Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes) since 2008, he will be running the UEMS workshops. He was elected President of the Board for the UEMS-CAP (the section of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) in 2011. In this role he has led the education functions of the CAP section, including a complete revision of the curriculum for training specialists in child and adolescent psychiatry, producing a new logbook, training requirements, and training governance documents.

He has also taught on various topics of child mental health in Japan in 2012.

Jacobs has just finished editing sections of a large e-learning programme (two of several) for a consortium of Royal Colleges, the BPS, Young Minds and The National Children’s Bureau on aspects of child mental health. He has been responsible for the commissioning and editing of 120 x 30 minute sessions accessible through – the project has been funded by the Department of Health.

Obvestilo o izobraževanju Adolescent Identity Treatment

Vabimo vas, da se v januarju udeležite izobraževanja o »Adolescent Identity Treatment (AIT)«, ki predstavlja integrativni pristop k obravnavi osebnostne patologije v mladostništvu. Izhaja iz znanj družinske sistemske psihoterapije, teorije navezave, razvojne nevrobiologije, objektnih odnosov ter vedenjsko – kognitivnih teorij in tehnik.

Izobraževanje bosta vodila ustanovitelja AIT – prof. dr. Susanne Schlüter-Müller in prof. dr. Klaus Schmeck, oba otroška in mladostniška psihiatra ter psihoterapevta. Prof. dr. Susanne Schlüter-Müller vodi svojo kliniko v Frankfurtu. Prof. dr. Klaus Schmeck je zaposlen na Inštitutu za psihoterapijo otrok in mladostnikov Univerzitetne klinike v Bazlu.

Izobraževanje je namenjeno vsem, ki se profesionalno ukvarjajo z adolescenti z osebnostno patologijo, še posebej z mladostniki z nastajajočo mejno osebnostno motnjo. Vabljeni so tako specialisti kot specializanti otroške in mladostniške psihiatrije ter psihiatrije, klinični psihologi in psihoterapevti.

Več o AIT si lahko preberete v knjigi, ki sta jo skupaj s soavtorji napisala naša predavatelja: Adolescent Identity Treatment, založba Springer, 2014. O obravnavi osebnostne patologije pa priporočamo v branje članek predavateljev s soavtorji v Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology , Vol. 3(1):63-70, 2015, z naslovom Assessment and Treatment of Identity Pathology During Adolescence.

Po končanem izobraževanju bodo udeleženci prejeli uraden certifikat in licenco AIT terapevta.

Izobraževanje je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in supervizijskega dela. Teoretični del bo potekal dva zaporedna dneva – 17. in 18. januarja 2020 v UKC Maribor. Supervizijski del  bo potekal 20. in 21. maja 2020 v UKC Maribor.


Kotizacija znaša 650 Eur + DDV in vsebuje plačilo:

  • dvodnevnega teoretičnega izobraževanja (17. in 18. januar 2020)
  • dan in pol skupinske supervizije (20. in 21. maj 2020)
  • skype supervizije po dogovoru


Prijave sprejemamo do 31.9.2019 oz. do zapolnitve predvidenih mest na; zavihek strokovna srečanja.


Dodatne informacije:

Tina Škerbinc Muzlović (02 321 29 40)




AIT- Training:


20 hours theory + 14 hours supervision (one hour=45 min)

2 full days theory (20 h)

1,5 days supervision (14 h)

Skype supervision


Theory and practice (20 hours):

January 17th  2020

9.00-10.30   10.45-12.15    13.30-15    15.15-16.45   17.-18.30


January 18th 2020

9.00-10.30   10.45-12.15     13.30-15    15.15-16.45   17.-18.30


Group-supervision 14h


May 20th 2020

12-13.30    13.45-15.15   15.45-17.15


May 21st 2020

9.00-10.30   10.45-12.15    13.30-15    15.15-16.45



Training topics AIT (20 hours)


Theoretical principles: 8h

Model of the disorder                                                                                              2 h

Object relation-theory (z.B. Kernberg, Anna Freud – Melanie Klein             controversy) and Self-Psychology                                                                           2 h

Object relation-dyads and comparable concepts: Schemata
in Schema-Therapy, conflict-axis (OPD-CA)                                                          2 h

Normal and disturbed development of identity                                                       2 h


Treatment techniques: 12 h

Stance                                                                                                                       1 h

Clarification                                                                                                              3 h

Confrontation (incl. non-verbals, Countertransference, Containment)                    3 h

Interpretation                                                                                                           3 h

Contract setting                                                                                                        1 h

Psychoeducation/Homeplan                                                                                     1 h


Otroci z motnjami vedenja in brezčutnimi neobčutljivimi potezami

Spoštovane in spoštovani, vabimo vas na izjemen dogodek okroglo mizo in seminar OTROCI Z MOTNJAMI VEDENJA IN BREZČUTNIMI NEOBČUTLJIVIMI POTEZAMI z vrhunskima strokovnjakoma iz tujine Essi VIDING in Matthew WOOLGAR.

Seminar je namenjen vsem, tako strokovnjakom kot laikom, ki jih etiologija, fenomenologija in simptomatika vedenjskih motenj in brezčutnih neobčutljivih potez pri otrocih zanima, zlasti z namenom zgodnjega odkritja (prepoznavanja) in poznavanja ustreznih oblik pomoči specifični populaciji otrok (učitelji, vzgojitelji, svetovalni delavci, profesorji, zdravniki, specialisti otroške in mladostniške psihiatrije, klinični psihologi, pristojna ministrstva in njihovi organi v sestavi, tožilci, sodniki, starši itd…)

Okrogla miza s tiskovno konferenco bo potekala v sredo, 11.9.2019 od 16 ure dalje; seminar pa bo potekal od četrtka, 12.9. od 8.30 ure, do petka, 13.9.2019 do 16 ure v Ljubljani, Hotel SLON, Slovenska Cesta 34 (conference room). 

Na seminar se prijavite preko SPLETNE PRIJAVNICE , program je dostopen tukaj.

Predavanja tujih strokovnjakov bodo potekala v angleškem jeziku brez prevajanja.

Kotizacija za člane ZOMP-a je 70,00 EUR.